The retail packaging designed for any shop

Our standard retail packaging is ideal to fit in any shop, from large retail chains to your local corner shop. Designed to catch the eye of customers, it comes with a limited but essential range of colours, designs and accessories that cover all the basic celebrations.

Standard retail bag – Front

1Product titleProduct title and colour infomation
2Product imageBig image of inflated balloons, helping customer to easiely find the right product on the sales surface
3Description badgeGiving customers clear information about number of balloons in bag, balloon size in cm and inch, if the balloons can be inflated with air and/or helium.
4Natural rubber latexLetting customers know they are buying a natural product
5Article number and barcodeEasy to read, easy to scan
6QR codeVisit for product range and consumer information
7Consumer service contact
8Packaging informationSymbols of material used in packaging and instructions to choose the right packaging
9Safety symbols
10Safety warnings

Standard retail bag – Back